

2022/2023 Google EMEA Region Internship Applicatiopn Timeline

translated by Bard, proofread by me, in 5 mins Important things to say first Many of people may think that it is very difficult to apply for an internship at a big company like Google, and that they have no chance. Please don’t think that way. Finding a job is 10% your capability and 90% luck, and 80% of that luck depends on the market and current economic reality. So please apply with the mindset of buying a lottery ticket. Don’t be afraid to apply for internships if you’re a freshman or sophomore I also saw some people who think that they are only freshmen or sophomores, and that they don’t have enough training in computer science, so it’s best to not look for internships for now.......




这里电邮咨询了香港有司,得到的回复如下。我的理解是无需进出口牌照,但需要有书面许可。由于当时出发时间有限,就没有申请。供有需求人士参考. 香港海关方面回复: 先生/女士: 謝謝你於2022年10月20日的電......

2023 Internship Hunting

This a blog post to record my applications of SDE summer internships in 2023, and share the recruitment process and experience of each company. The timeline will not be accurate. I have not systematically grinding Leetcode, so I may overestimate the difficulty of applying for most companies. Easy is something I can solve immediately, medium is something I have to think for a 3 minutes, and hard is something I give up directly. tl;dr The biggest change in job hunting this year is definitely the emergence of ChatGPT. It took over all my writing-related tasks, such as writing emails, cover......



